RfII Discussion Paper on the Enhancement of Research Data Infrastructures – September 2020
17. September 2020
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- Erstellungsdatum 17. September 2020
- Zuletzt aktualisiert 4. Mai 2021
RfII Discussion Paper on the Enhancement of Research Data Infrastructures – September 2020
In the context of the new course for building scientific data services in Germany (e.g. NFDI), Europe (e.g. EOSC), and beyond the RfII is putting forward a discussion paper on basic design features and requirements for data (collections) and data services from a scientific perspective.
RfII – German Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures: Building Sustainable Data Services. RfII Discussion Paper on the Enhancement of Research Data Infrastructures, Göttingen 2020, 6 p.
Direct links to the document
- Permalink RfII-Website: https://rfii.de/?p=4422
- URN of the file copy deposited at the German National Library: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2020092810073063678627
Link to the German version
- RfII-Diskussionsimpuls Datendienste nachhaltig gestalten: https://rfii.de/?p=4313