“It is necessary to overcome a critical threshold in the overall system: the widespread emergence of a new data culture and acceptance of research data management in the scientific communities.”
RfII Diskussionspapier “Zusammenarbeit als Chance” (2018, German only)

“The digital transformation is fundamentally transforming research data and methods; indeed, science on the whole is in a state of flux.”
RfII position paper “Performance through Diversity” (2016)

“The adoption of new ways in dealing with research data as well as long-term preservation and accessibility will be a significant, common challenge for all stakeholders in the years ahead.”
RfII position paper “Performance through Diversity” (2016)

“Having access to data, being able to use digital resources, and receiving training or working at digitally creative research locations is also essential in the era of global interconnectedness.”
RfII report “An International Comparison” (2017)

“The composition of the Council reflects our fundamental consideration that the future of scientific information infrastructures is a joint task to be carried out by institutions providing the infrastructures, scientific users, funding bodies, and related national and international stakeholders.”
Joint Science Conference (2013) – Document 13.48 (unpublished)

“Cooperation in the RfII therefore requires the synthesis of very different disciplines and institutional perspectives. It is a prime example of the numerous negotiation processes in the scientific system.”
RfII Opening Declaration (2015)
To facilitate and accelerate digital transformation in the sciences on a national level
The Council monitors transitions in the German academic system at large and gives practical recommendations to academia and the government. Specifically it
- provides foresight on the development of digital science;
- promotes coordination of existing activities;
- identifies potential synergies between the diverse actors and new fields of action;
- intends to stimulate cooperation within the academic system;
- monitors international policy developments.
24-25.03.2025: “10 years of RfII” celebration and 32nd Council meeting in Berlin.

NFDI, EOSC, Gaia-X, and the European Data Spaces: Comparison and Recommendations for a Committed Engagement to Shape the European Research Data Ecosystem – October 2024

RfII Statement on the Proposal for a Data Act by the European Commission – May 2022

RfII-Workshop Report “Towards Common Scientific Data Infrastructures in Europe: Which Road to Take?” – November 2021

RfII Statement on the proposed Data Act of the European Union – September 2021

RfII Statement on the proposal for a Data Governance Act (DGA) – January 2021