RfII Statement on Trusted Intermediaries for Data Exchange – April 2020
2. Juni 2020
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- Erstellungsdatum 2. Juni 2020
- Zuletzt aktualisiert 4. Mai 2021
RfII Statement on Trusted Intermediaries for Data Exchange – April 2020
In the light of reflections of the German Federal Republic and the European Commission on the issue of “data trusteeships” as potential components of their data strategies, the RfII formulated options and recommendations from the perspective of experience built up in the scientific system.
German Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures (RfII): Designing Trusted Intermediaries for Data Exchange – On Experiences from Science, Göttingen 2020, 7 p.
Direct links to the document
- Permalink RfII-Website: https://rfii.de/?p=4318
- URN of the file copy deposited at the German National Library: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2020071501131991176660
Link to the German version
- RfII-Stellungnahme Datentreuhandstellen gestalten – Zu Erfahrungen der Wissenschaft: http://rfii.vwebfile-test.gwdg.de/?p=4259